• Installing mod_evasive on Apache 2.X

    Installing Prerequisites:
    # yum install httpd-devel

    Installing mod_evasive:

    # wget http://pkgs.fedoraproject.org/repo/pkgs/mod_evasive/mod_evasive_1.10.1.tar.gz/784fca4a124f25ccff5b48c7a69a65e5/mod_evasive_1.10.1.tar.gz
    # tar xfz mod_evasive_1.10.1.tar.gz
    # cd mod_evasive
    # /usr/sbin/apxs  -cia mod_evasive20.c

    You should find the following line in the apache configuration file /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf :
    LoadModule evasive20_module   /usr/lib/httpd/modules/mod_evasive20.so

    If the previous line is not existing in apache configuration file ,you can add it manually.

    To add mod_evasive configuration ,please add the following lines to httpd.conf

    <IfModule mod_evasive20.c>
    DOSHashTableSize    3097
    DOSPageCount        2
    DOSSiteCount        50
    DOSPageInterval     1
    DOSSiteInterval     1
    DOSBlockingPeriod   60
    DOSEmailNotify xxx@xxx.com

    After that ,You have to restart Apache :

    # /etc/init.d/httpd restart


    mod_evasive Configuration Options

    These configuration option descriptions were taken directly from the README file packaged with the mod_evasive tarball you downloaded during installation.


    The hash table size defines the number of top-level nodes for each child’s hash table. Increasing this number will provide faster performance by decreasing the number of iterations required to get to the record, but consume more memory for table space. You should increase this if you have a busy web server. The value you specify will automatically be tiered up to the next prime number in the primes list (see mod_evasive.c for a list of primes used).


    This is the threshhold for the number of requests for the same page (or URI) per page interval. Once the threshhold for that interval has been exceeded, the IP address of the client will be added to the blocking list.


    This is the threshhold for the total number of requests for any object by the same client on the same listener per site interval. Once the threshhold for that interval has been exceeded, the IP address of the client will be added to the blocking list.


    The interval for the page count threshhold; defaults to 1 second intervals.


    The interval for the site count threshhold; defaults to 1 second intervals.


    The blocking period is the amount of time (in seconds) that a client will be blocked for if they are added to the blocking list. During this time, all subsequent requests from the client will result in a 403 (Forbidden) and the timer being reset (e.g. another 10 seconds). Since the timer is reset for every subsequent request, it is not necessary to have a long blocking period; in the event of a DoS attack, this timer will keep getting reset.


    If this value is set, an email will be sent to the address specified whenever an IP address becomes blacklisted. A locking mechanism using /tmp prevents continuous emails from being sent.

    NOTE: Be sure MAILER is set correctly in mod_evasive.c
    (or mod_evasive20.c). The default is “/bin/mail -t %s” where %s is used to denote the destination email address set in the configuration. If you are running on linux or some other operating system with a different type of mailer, you’ll need to change this.


    If this value is set, the system command specified will be executed whenever an IP address becomes blacklisted. This is designed to enable system calls to ip filter or other tools. A locking mechanism using /tmp prevents continuous system calls. Use %s to denote the IP address of the blacklisted IP.


    Choose an alternative temp directory

    By default “/tmp” will be used for locking mechanism, which opens some security issues if your system is open to shell users. In the event you have nonprivileged shell users, you’ll want to create a directory writable only to the user Apache is running as (usually root), then set this in your httpd.conf.

    Whitelisting IP Addresses

    IP addresses of trusted clients can be whitelisted to insure they are never denied. The purpose of whitelisting is to protect software, scripts, local searchbots, or other automated tools from being denied for requesting large amounts of data from the server. Whitelisting should not be used to add customer lists or anything of the sort, as this will open the server to abuse. This module is very difficult to trigger without performing some type of malicious attack, and for that reason it is more appropriate to allow the module to decide on its own whether or not an individual customer should be blocked.

    To whitelist an address (or range) add an entry to the Apache configuration in the following fashion:

    DOSWhitelist DOSWhitelist 127.0.0.*

    Wildcards can be used on up to the last 3 octets if necessary. Multiple DOSWhitelist commands may be used in the configuration.

    Categories: Apache

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